St. Damien of Molokai Parish

St. Damien of Molokai Parish

Welcome to St. Damien of Molokai Parish

St. Michael and St. Vincent merged to become one parish under the patronage of St. Damien of Molokai in 2009. The offices are located at the St. Michael site. Read more about the history of our parish here.


Mass Schedule

Monday thru Friday: 12:00pm St Vincent

Saturday: 4:00pm St Vincent

Sunday: 8:30am St Vincent, Spanish

Sunday: 10:30am St Vincent

Sunday: 12:00pm St Michael, Spanish

Sunday: 7:00pm St Vincent, Spanish


Monday and Thursday

11:15am to 11:45am St Vincent

Friday - Mercy Nights

5:30pm to 7:30pm St Vincent

Adoration and Confession

Please note that while we strive to maintain our regular schedule for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, there may be occasional changes. For Monday and Thursday: If one of our priests is unavailable due to other commitments, and it coincides with the designated day off for the other priest, confessions may be canceled for that day. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. For updated schedules or urgent spiritual needs, please contact the parish office.

Faith Formation Program Announcements

Molokai Seek (All middle schoolers, Grades 6th to 8th) from 6pm to 8pm

January 17, 31, February 14, 28, March 14, 28 and April 11th

 Calendario de Ministros



We Moved Parish Offices Move — Nos Mudamos de Oficinas

The office address — Dirección de la oficina: 46352 Woodward Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342.

Please park in the south parking lot next to the gym facing Woodward.—

Por favor, estacionarse en el estacionamiento sur junto al gimnasio, frente a Woodward.

Click here for entrance and parking instructions.

St Vincent
New Heating

A cold week at St. Vincent this week!! The boiler in the church finally died after many years of patching it up! So we are implementing a plan we were planning to install a new system by 2026-2027...

Read more updates from Fr Jacob here

Thursday, April 5, 2025

The Knights of Columbus will be showing the film The Passion of the Christ. A depiction of the last twelve hours in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, on the day of his crucifixion in Jerusalem. April 5th at 5:30pm at the Parish gym.


CSA 2024

Thank you to those who have already made a 2024 CSA pledge as this ensures we Go and Announce the Gospel of the Lord to witness Christ as His disciples. 

Fr. Jacob is asking all parishioners to join him in contributing to this year's CSA. If we all give, we will easily meet St. Damien's 2024 CSA target of $65,997, which is our parish share of the support for the CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services. Any gifts we receive over our target will be returned to our parish in full. If however, we do not meet this target, we will have to make up for the shortfall from our general fund. 

If you are still prayerfully considering your CSA pledge, you may mail your completed pledge card to St. Damien! You may also pledge your gift to our parish campaign by giving online here.



St. Vincent de Paul Church

46408 Woodward Ave. Pontiac, MI

St. Michael the Archangel Church

120 Lewis St. Pontiac, MI